Brigitte Rix Author
Known as ‘The Afterlife French Lady’ by her readers and audiences, Clairaudient Medium BRIGITTE RIX is a Channelling Author with over 40 years of DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS with those in the Higher Realms of the ’Afterlife’. She is thus the ‘Recipient-Author’ of eight published ‘channelled’ books, dictated at their request by Advanced Masters and departed in the Afterlife– Brigitte receives them while in an ‘overshadowed’ altered state and via fast ‘psychography’ (i.e. simultaneous-telepathically-guided-Automatic Writing) .
Brigitte is also an experienced PUBLIC SPEAKER available for FREE lively, interactive TALKS (Qs & As) and LECTURES on a wide range of SPIRITUAL MATTERS, tailored to her audiences’ interests—whether for small group of ‘seekers’, or large conferences.
In UK, she exhibits and gives Talks at LIZIAN Well Being Inspirational Events.
In Sept. 2015, she was invited as one of the speakers and workshop tutors (alongside well-known personalities such as ‘NDE.ers’ Anita Moorjani & USA neuro-surgeon Eben Alexander & cardiologist and NDE researcher Dr Pim van Lommel)—- at the International Conference run by FINDHORN Spiritual Community- Theme: ‘We Do Not Die’ , Expanding Consciousness through Near-Death and other Mystical Experiences’.
I have the whole collection and each and every book is filled with wonderful information direct from the source, whatever name you claim your God to be. Brigitte has also been interviewed on my show more than once and has always been popular.
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